ROCK SPRINGS METHODIST CEMETERY (NEW), Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 8-Sep-2006, C167A.TXT, C167 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 NEW LOCATION: ------------- To locate the present church/cemetery, locate intersection of Highways 123 and 28 on the west side of Seneca. Drive 5.3 miles west on highway 123. Turn right on Richland Road and drive 1.1 miles. OLD LOCATION: ------------- To locate the old cemetery, go out the front door of the present church location. Go across the creek bridge. Turn right on Gibson Road. Turn into the first dirt driveway on the right. There's a double-wide trailer that sits on a hill, that is difficult to see from Gibson Road. The cemetery is located in a group of trees, to the left-back side of trailer. HISTORY: -------- Both church locations are on the north edge of the village of Richland. The old church location was a small log house for a meeting place, which stood near the present church, and it was also used as a school. Rev. James Holland, owner of the log house, and charter member of the church, deeded 1/2 acre to the congregation on 26-Sep-1844, on which the building had been erected. The building with a door at each end, had a high box pulpit, with a small shuttered window over it, at the north end of the building. One preacher, the Rev. John Penney, had to have a block to stand on so his head was above the high pulpit. There was no organ. Tunes were "pitched" by an exhorter, who read a portion of a hymn at a time, then the congregation would sing, continuing that way until the hymn was completed. When reading, the exhorter would explain the meaning of each line, often preaching a sermon. The church had worship services twice a month. On the alternate Sundays the Methodists attended Richland Presbyterian Church, with this congregation attending Rock Springs on their alternate Sundays - a good example of ecumenism. Some families of early Rock Springs Church were: McDonald, Martin, Foster, Sanders, Jaynes, Moorehead, Dendy and Penney. N.C. McDonald, at age 21, was appointed Sunday School superintendent, an office he held for the next 21 years. He was also a steward and Sunday School teacher during those years. Henry and Susan Crenshaw McDonald were charter members. Prominent among the first pastors were the Revs. Tyre Mauldin, R.L. Duffie, H.H. Penney and Fletcher Smith. Rev. Smith was an early Methodist Circuit Rider, traveling on horseback and wearing a black high-top hat, long-tail coat, the usual attire of the clergy in those days. His saddle bags were often bulging with donations from his parishioners from all churches in a widespread area. It was said that "hell smelled" when he preached, for he was an enemy of Satin. The present church building was erected near the log church in 1877. The first cemetery (old) was across the road from the present church location, near the railroad tracks. The second (new) cemetery is adjacent to the church. The new church originally was pointed east and then was moved to point south. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2000 HISTORY WRITE-UP : The Truth About the McDonald's by Willie C. McDonald Hope TRANSCRIPTION .. : Charles Uzzell at in Sep-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife NOTE: ----- ADDIS, Adger, b. 26-feb-1890, d. 18-dec-1984 ADDIS, Iola N., b. 24-nov-1895, d. 2-nov-1976, h. adger addis ALEXANDER, Margree Garner, b. 14-feb-1909, d. 29-jul-1928, h. v.l. Alexander ARMSTRONE, Rena H., b. 6-mar-1886, d. 27-apr-1969 ARMSTRONG, James O., b. 15-jun-1841, d. 8-aug-1937 ARMSTRONG, James P., b. 8-dec-1881, d. 1-jul-1976 ARMSTRONG, James P., b. 8-dec-1881, d. 1-jul-1976, w. r.h. Armstrong ARMSTRONG, M. Ruth, b. 12-jun-1913, d. 23-dec-1920 ARMSTRONG, Mary Robertson, b. 22-may-1845, d. 30-jan-1921, h. j.o. Armstrong ARMSTRONG, Rena H., b. 6-mar-1886, d. 27-apr-1969 ARMSTRONG, Wade B., b. 1922, d. 2000 BLACKWELL, Dorothy Allen, b. 16-sep-1924, d. 26-may-2000, h. joseph Blackwell BLACKWELL, Jerry P., b. 1870, d. 1920 BLACKWELL, Joseph H., b. 20-oct-1920, d. 24-apr-1968 BLACKWELL, Mamie M., b. 1882, d. 1960, h. jerry blackwell BLACKWELL, Martha Jo, b. 26-may-1947, d. 6-aug-1969, p. j.h. & d.a. Blackwell BOWLING, Julia, d. 11-may-1893, f. d.j. bowling CARVEN, Lillian G., b. 26-sep-1906, d. 3-jun-1966 CARVER, Lillian G., b. 26-sep-1906, d. 3-jun-1966 CHAMDLER, Hannah C., d. 26-oct-1895 CHITWOOD, Daughter, b. 14-dec-1906, d. 11-jun-1908, p. g.w. & s.a. chitwood COX, Effie Martin, b. 28-sep-1879, d. 17-sep-1946 DENDY, Emily C., b. 1906, d. 1986 DENDY, Emily C., b. 1906, h. john dendy DENDY, John A., b. 1904, d. 1975 DENDY, John A., b. 1904, d. 1975, w. e.c. dendy DRIVER, Evelyn C., b. 10-jan-1916, d. 6-mar-1984 DRIVER, Frank W., b. 22-dec-1907, d. 28-mar-1966 DRIVER, Frank W., b. 22-dec-1907, d. 28-mar-1966, w. e.c. driver DUFFIE, Mamie, b. 26-sep-1890, d. 2-feb-1891, p. rev. r.l. & a.e. duffie DYAR, Clinton Hugh, b. 14-jul-1920, d. 7-mar-1994 ELLER, Mary R., b. 27-apr-1919, d. 3-oct-1992 ELLER, Mary. R., b. 27-apr-1919, h. willie eller ELLER, Willie M., b. 22-oct-1915, d. 15-jul-1976 ELLER, Willie M., b. 22-oct-1915, d. 15-jul-1976, w. m.r. eller, m. 11-jul-1936 FENNELL, J.L. (Jr), b. 11-oct-1859, d. 26-may-1896 FENNELL, John L. (Sr), b. 28-aug-1822, d. 21-sep-1896 FENNELL, Maggie McDonald, b. 1858, d. 1934 FENNELL, Mary P., b. 27-may-1837, d. 11-mar-1912 FENNELL, T. Sumter, b. 11-jul-1855, d. 18-aug-1920 FOSTER, Cornelia B., b. 2-aug-1889, d. 26-jan-1927 FOSTER, Edmund D., b. 24-may-1844, d. 27-aug-1918 FOSTER, Elbert Newton, b. 8-jul-1876 FOSTER, Fannie E. McDonald, b. 1877, d. 1959, h. w.c. foster FOSTER, Infant Daughter, b. 28-jul-1900, d. 28-jul-1900, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant Son, b. 6-jan-1910, d. 10-jan-1910, p. e.n. & l.c. foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 18-may-1901, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 8-may-1912, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 9-sep-1913, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Lillian Caroline, b. 26-feb-1871, d. 20-jun-1944, h. e.n. foster FOSTER, Mary S. Brewer, b. 15-may-1852, d. 19-jan-1922, h. Edmund foster FOSTER, William C., b. 1867, d. 1916 GARNER, Bertie Mae M., b. 9-sep-1896, d. 11-nov-1967 GARNER, Bertie Mae M., b. 9-sep-1896, d. 11-nov-1967 GARNER, Howard G. (Sr), b. 5-jun-1901, d. 7-dec-1976 GARNER, Howard G. (Sr), b. 5-jun-1901, d. 7-dec-1976, w. b.m. garner GARNER, Lula Henry, b. 22-oct-1882, d. 2-jun-1942, h. t.f. garner GARNER, Thomas F., b. 27-jan-1856, d. 25-mar-1922 GIBSON, Steven Allen, b. 14-jan-1957, d. 26-feb-1972 GIBSON, Steven Allen, b. 14-jan-1957, d. 26-feb-1972 HOLLAND, Jeanette, b. 26-sep-1830, d. 23-mar-1896, h. dr w.t. Holland ISBELL, Ulelah, b. 13-oct-1890, d. 31-dec-1891, p. m.h. & m.e. isbell LARABEE, Gerald Henry, b. 9-dec-1920, d. 30-nov-1999, w. mary larabee LARABEE, Mary Blackwell, b. 13-mar-1916, d. 29-apr-1998 MARTIN, Champ E., b. 18-dec-1893, d. 12-jan-1967 MARTIN, Champ E., b. 18-dec-1893, d. 12-jan-1967 MARTIN, Elizabeth, b. 5-aug-1822, d. 16-dec-1911 MARTIN, Emma H., b. 17-oct-1861, d. 20-jul-1902 MARTIN, John Freeman, b. 27-may-1855, d. 22-oct-1934 MARTIN, Lucy, b. 14-apr-1884, d. 22-oct-1887, p. m.f. & m.a. marin MARTIN, Margaret Stone, b. oct-1855, d. 5-apr-1930, h. j.f. martin MARTIN, Neill C., b. 29-jun-1882, d. 1-aug-1896, p. j.f. & m. martin MARTIN, Oliver, b. 29-dec-1817, d. 1-feb-1901 McDONALD, Addie Burgess, b. 11-jul-1881, d. 16-apr-1960 McDONALD, Addie Burgess, b. 11-jul-1881, d. 16-apr-1960, h. r.d. mcdonald McDONALD, Annie Sanders, b. 2-jul-1845, d. 16-jun-1929 McDONALD, Charles R., b. 5-jul-1914, d. 22-jan-1975 McDONALD, Harriett, b. 3-jun-1871, d. 31-mar-1917 McDONALD, James Robert, b. 2-jul-1923, d. 25-feb-1932 McDONALD, Jennie M., b. 24-sep-1917 McDONALD, M. Thomas, b. 15-feb-1846, d. 23-oct-1914 McDONALD, Martha A., b. 21-aug-1840, d. 31-may-1918 McDONALD, Martha Jane Isbell, b. 9-jun-1849, d. 23-may-1925, h. nelson mcdonald McDONALD, Mary, b. 10-aug-1934, d. 10-aug-1934 McDONALD, Nellie E., b. 5-feb-1913, d. 5-sep-1914, p. m.c. & g.z. mcdonald McDONALD, Nelson Carr, b. 24-jul-1850, d. 13-nov-1892 McDONALD, Robert Duffie, b. 3-apr-1879, d. 10-mar-1936 McDONALD, Robert Duffie, b. 3-apr-1879, d. 10-mar-1936, w. addie mcdonald McDONALD, Sallie, b. 7-may-1856, d. 30-may-1911 McDONALD, Susahna, b. 27-apr-1844, d. 1-jun-1914 McKEY, Harwell Paul (Jr), b. 26-jul-1916, d. 10-nov-1917 MEARES, Arthur N., b. 21-mar-1890, d. 24-jun-1924 MEARES, Clarence A., b. 13-aug-1901, d. 26-feb-1902 MEARES, Claude M., b. 28-mar-1907, d. 14-feb-1908 MEARES, George F., b. 28-mar-1866, d. 25-jan-1918 MEARES, James Adger, b. 20-nov-1904, d. 23-sep-1933 MEARES, Laura Addie Lowe, b. 13-mar-1869, d. 6-sep-1961, h. g.f. meares MEREDITH, Kate A., b. 23-dec-1848, d. 8-aug-1900 MILLER, Lizzie M., b. 1927 MILLER, Thomas Lee, b. 1918, d. 1986, w. l.m. miller MILLER, Thomas Lee, b. 22-nov-1919, d. 4-feb-1986 MOORE, Ben Perry, b. 1902, d. 1961, w. lonor moore MOORE, Lonor, b. 1909 NALLEY, Ervin, b. 1-nov-1865, d. 16-nov-1930 NALLEY, Eula Norris, b. 17-sep-1877, d. 7-apr-1961 NALLEY, G. Kenneth, b. 29-nov-1932, d. 26-nov-1971 NALLEY, George F., b. 16-jan-1902, d. 23-may-1976 NALLEY, J. Walter, b. 2-apr-1900, d. 18-jun-1961 NALLEY, John C., b. 2-jun-1905, d. 30-oct-1955 NALLEY, Sam, b. 2-feb-1898, d. 13-sep-1900, p. Ervin & eula nalley NALLY, Mamie Medlin, b. 1910, d. 1987 PETREE, Hugh F., b. 21-apr-1889, d. 22-jun-1891 PIKE, Florence L., b. 14-jun-1858, d. 25-jul-1907, h. w.c. pike PIKE, Phillip John, b. 23-jan-1892, d. 24-nov-1933 PIKE, William C., b. 8-sep-1856, d. 10-jul-1923 SANDERS, Edith E., b. 3-sep-1917, d. 30-jan-1919, p. l.p. & a.c. sanders SANDERS, Styles Robert, b. 18-may-1909, d. 30-oct-1926 SAVAGE, Benjamin Walter, b. 28-aug-1937, d. 2-jul-1990 STEVENSON, Fred, b. 8-nov-1908, d. 25-jun-1909, p. r.r. & f.v. Stevenson STONE, Andrew C., b. 12-jan-1860, d. 26-nov-1907 STONE, Arthur B., b. 1898, d. 1962, w. o.p. stone STONE, F.E., b. 25-may-1820, d. 18-oct-1898 STONE, Ollie P., b. 1917, d. 1967 STONE, W.C., b. 15-apr-1825, d. 4-jul-1900 STOTT, Mary, d. apr-1899, a. 53y, p. m. & m.j. stott SWAFFORD, Mattie Bell, b. 19-mar-1915, d. 17-oct-1997 TANNERY, Manard E., b. 6-feb-1902, d. 29-sep-1989, w. m.e. tannery TANNERY, Mimnie Ellen M., b. 15-oct-1915, d. 7-feb-1990 THOMPSON, Carolyn Frances, b. 8-oct-1931, d. 8-oct-1931, f. d.d. Thompson THOMPSON, Frances Blackwell, b. 23-dec-1908, d. 17-jan-1970, h. d.d. Thompson WAKEFIELD, Emma, b. 17-mar-1905, d. 30-jun-1908, p. r.l. & millie wakefield WHITTEN, Effie, b. 4-sep-1895, d. 2-apr-1907, p. h.m. & e.a. whitten o----------o This cemetery (new) was recorded by Paul Kankula. This new cemetery is located in back of the current church location. ADDIS, Adger, b. 26-feb-1890, d. 18-dec-1984 ADDIS, Iola N., b. 24-nov-1895, d. 2-nov-1976, h. adger addis ALEXANDER, Margree Garner, b. 14-feb-1909, d. 29-jul-1928, h. v.l. alexander ARMSTRONE, Rena H., b. 6-mar-1886, d. 27-apr-1969 ARMSTRONG, James O., b. 15-jun-1841, d. 8-aug-1937 ARMSTRONG, James P., b. 8-dec-1881, d. 1-jul-1976 ARMSTRONG, M. Ruth, b. 12-jun-1913, d. 23-dec-1920 ARMSTRONG, Mary Robertson, b. 22-may-1845, d. 30-jan-1921, h. j.o. armstrong ARMSTRONG, Rena H., b. 6-mar-1886, d. 27-apr-1969 ARMSTRONG, Wade B., b. 1922, d. 2000 BLACKWELL, Dorothy Allen, b. 16-sep-1924, d. 26-may-2000, h. joseph blackwell BLACKWELL, Jerry P., b. 1870, d. 1920 BLACKWELL, Joseph H., b. 20-oct-1920, d. 24-apr-1968 BLACKWELL, Mamie M., b. 1882, d. 1960, h. jerry blackwell BLACKWELL, Martha Jo, b. 26-may-1947, d. 6-aug-1969, p. j.h. & d.a. blackwell BOWLING, Julia, d. 11-may-1893, f. d.j. bowling CARVER, Lillian G., b. 26-sep-1906, d. 3-jun-1966 CHAMDLER, Hannah C., d. 26-oct-1895 CHITWOOD, Daughter, b. 14-dec-1906, d. 11-jun-1908, p. g.w. & s.a. chitwood COX, Effie Martin, b. 28-sep-1879, d. 17-sep-1946 DENDY, Emily C., b. 1906, d. 1986, h. john dendy DENDY, John A., b. 1904, d. 1975, w. e.c. dendy DRIVER, Evelyn C., b. 10-jan-1916, d. 6-mar-1984 DRIVER, Frank W., b. 22-dec-1907, d. 28-mar-1966, w. e.c. driver DUFFIE, Mamie, b. 26-sep-1890, d. 2-feb-1891, p. rev. r.l. & a.e. duffie DYAR, Clinton Hugh, b. 14-jul-1920, d. 7-mar-1994 ELLER, Mary R., b. 27-apr-1919, d. 3-oct-1992, h. willie eller ELLER, Willie M., b. 22-oct-1915, d. 15-jul-1976, w. m.r. eller, m. 11-jul-1936 FENNELL, J.L. (Jr), b. 11-oct-1859, d. 26-may-1896 FENNELL, John L. (Sr), b. 28-aug-1822, d. 21-sep-1896 FENNELL, Maggie McDonald, b. 1858, d. 1934 FENNELL, Mary P., b. 27-may-1837, d. 11-mar-1912 FENNELL, T. Sumter, b. 11-jul-1855, d. 18-aug-1920 FOSTER, Cornelia B., b. 2-aug-1889, d. 26-jan-1927 FOSTER, Edmund D., b. 24-may-1844, d. 27-aug-1918 FOSTER, Elbert Newton, b. 8-jul-1876 FOSTER, Fannie E. McDonald, b. 1877, d. 1959, h. w.c. foster FOSTER, Infant Daughter, b. 28-jul-1900, d. 28-jul-1900, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant Son, b. 6-jan-1910, d. 10-jan-1910, p. e.n. & l.c. foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 18-may-1901, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 8-may-1912, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Infant, b. 9-sep-1913, p. w.c. & fannie foster FOSTER, Lillian Caroline, b. 26-feb-1871, d. 20-jun-1944, h. e.n. foster FOSTER, Mary S. Brewer, b. 15-may-1852, d. 19-jan-1922, h. edmund foster FOSTER, William C., b. 1867, d. 1916 GARNER, Bertie Mae M., b. 9-sep-1896, d. 11-nov-1967 GARNER, Howard G. (Sr), b. 5-jun-1901, d. 7-dec-1976, w. b.m. garner GARNER, Lula Henry, b. 22-oct-1882, d. 2-jun-1942, h. t.f. garner GARNER, Thomas F., b. 27-jan-1856, d. 25-mar-1922 GIBSON, Steven Allen, b. 14-jan-1957, d. 26-feb-1972 HOLLAND, Jeanette, b. 26-sep-1830, d. 23-mar-1896, h. dr w.t. holland (buried in old cemetery) ISBELL, Ulelah, b. 13-oct-1890, d. 31-dec-1891, p. m.h. & m.e. isbell LARABEE, Gerald Henry, b. 9-dec-1920, d. 30-nov-1999, w. mary larabee LARABEE, Mary Blackwell, b. 13-mar-1916, d. 29-apr-1998 MARTIN, Champ E., b. 18-dec-1893, d. 12-jan-1967 MARTIN, Elizabeth, b. 5-aug-1822, d. 16-dec-1911 MARTIN, Emma H., b. 17-oct-1861, d. 20-jul-1902 MARTIN, John Freeman, b. 27-may-1855, d. 22-oct-1934, w. margaret martin MARTIN, Lucy, b. 14-apr-1884, d. 22-oct-1887, p. m.f. & m.a. marin MARTIN, Margaret Stone, b. oct-1855, d. 5-apr-1930, h. j.f. martin MARTIN, Neill C., b. 29-jun-1882, d. 1-aug-1896, p. j.f. & m. martin MARTIN, Oliver, b. 29-dec-1817, d. 1-feb-1901 McDONALD, Addie Burgess, b. 11-jul-1881, d. 16-apr-1960, h. r.d. mcdonald McDONALD, Annie Sanders, b. 2-jul-1845, d. 16-jun-1929 McDONALD, Charles R., b. 5-jul-1914, d. 22-jan-1975 McDONALD, Harriett, b. 3-jun-1871, d. 31-mar-1917 McDONALD, James Robert, b. 2-jul-1923, d. 25-feb-1932 McDONALD, Jennie M., b. 24-sep-1917 McDONALD, M. Thomas, b. 15-feb-1846, d. 23-oct-1914 McDONALD, Martha A., b. 21-aug-1840, d. 31-may-1918 McDONALD, Martha Jane Isbell, b. 9-jun-1849, d. 23-may-1925, h. nelson mcdonald McDONALD, Mary, b. 10-aug-1934, d. 10-aug-1934 McDONALD, Nellie E., b. 5-feb-1913, d. 5-sep-1914, p. m.c. & g.z. mcdonald McDONALD, Nelson Carr, b. 24-jul-1850, d. 13-nov-1892 McDONALD, Robert Duffie, b. 3-apr-1879, d. 10-mar-1936, w. addie mcdonald McDONALD, Sallie, b. 7-may-1856, d. 30-may-1911 McDONALD, Susahna, b. 27-apr-1844, d. 1-jun-1914 McKEY, Harwell Paul (Jr), b. 26-jul-1916, d. 10-nov-1917 MEARES, Arthur N., b. 21-mar-1890, d. 24-jun-1924 MEARES, Clarence A., b. 13-aug-1901, d. 26-feb-1902 MEARES, Claude M., b. 28-mar-1907, d. 14-feb-1908 MEARES, George F., b. 28-mar-1866, d. 25-jan-1918 MEARES, James Adger, b. 20-nov-1904, d. 23-sep-1933 MEARES, Laura Addie Lowe, b. 13-mar-1869, d. 6-sep-1961, h. g.f. meares MEREDITH, Kate A., b. 23-dec-1848, d. 8-aug-1900 MILLER, Lizzie M., b. 1927 MILLER, Thomas Lee, b. 22-nov-1919, d. 4-feb-1986, w. l.m. miller MOORE, Ben Perry, b. 1902, d. 1961, w. lonor moore MOORE, Lonor, b. 1909 NALLEY, Ervin, b. 1-nov-1865, d. 16-nov-1930 NALLEY, Eula Norris, b. 17-sep-1877, d. 7-apr-1961 NALLEY, G. Kenneth, b. 29-nov-1932, d. 26-nov-1971 NALLEY, George F., b. 16-jan-1902, d. 23-may-1976 NALLEY, J. Walter, b. 2-apr-1900, d. 18-jun-1961 NALLEY, John C., b. 2-jun-1905, d. 30-oct-1955 NALLEY, Sam, b. 2-feb-1898, d. 13-sep-1900, p. Ervin & eula nalley NALLY, Mamie Medlin, b. 1910, d. 1987 PETREE, Hugh F., b. 21-apr-1889, d. 22-jun-1891 PIKE, Florence L., b. 14-jun-1858, d. 25-jul-1907, h. w.c. pike PIKE, Phillip John, b. 23-jan-1892, d. 24-nov-1933 PIKE, William C., b. 8-sep-1856, d. 10-jul-1923 SANDERS, Edith E., b. 3-sep-1917, d. 30-jan-1919, p. l.p. & a.c. sanders SANDERS, Styles Robert, b. 18-may-1909, d. 30-oct-1926 SAVAGE, Benjamin Walter, b. 28-aug-1937, d. 2-jul-1990 STEVENSON, Fred, b. 8-nov-1908, d. 25-jun-1909, p. r.r. & f.v. stevenson STONE, Andrew C., b. 12-jan-1860, d. 26-nov-1907 STONE, Arthur B., b. 1898, d. 1962, w. o.p. stone STONE, F.E., b. 25-may-1820, d. 18-oct-1898 STONE, Ollie P., b. 1917, d. 1967 STONE, W.C., b. 15-apr-1825, d. 4-jul-1900 STOTT, Mary, d. apr-1899, a. 53y, p. m. & m.j. stott SWAFFORD, Mattie Bell, b. 19-mar-1915, d. 17-oct-1997 TANNERY, Manard E., b. 6-feb-1902, d. 29-sep-1989, w. m.e. tannery TANNERY, Mimnie Ellen M., b. 15-oct-1915, d. 7-feb-1990 THOMPSON, Carolyn Frances, b. 8-oct-1931, d. 8-oct-1931, f. d.d. thompson THOMPSON, Frances Blackwell, b. 23-dec-1908, d. 17-jan-1970, h. d.d. thompson WAKEFIELD, Emma, b. 17-mar-1905, d. 30-jun-1908, p. r.l. & millie wakefield WHITTEN, Effie, b. 4-sep-1895, d. 2-apr-1907, p. h.m. & e.a. whitten